Featuring Erin Beagle of Roots to Harvest
Let’s get to ‘yes’; changing our understanding of success; why driving a bus is better than going it alone; how climate change in Thunder Bay is like the trash compactor in Star Wars; giving people a place they c...
Featuring Erin Beagle of Roots to Harvest
Let’s get to ‘yes’; changing our understanding of success; why driving a bus is better than going it alone; how climate change in Thunder Bay is like the trash compactor in Star Wars; giving people a place they can claim ownership within is powerful healing. But most of all: what would the Elders’ table say?
Roots to Harvest http://www.rootstoharvest.org/
L’homme qui plantait des arbres https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HtY6yEr5E4
Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman
A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency by Seth Klein
Drawdown - book edited by Paul Hawken https://drawdown.org/
The New Yorker https://www.newyorker.com/ Nov 8 2021 issue: Early civilization had it all figured out: a contrarian account of our prehistory argues that cities once flourished without rules and rules - and still could. By Gideon Lewis-Kraus
-Roots to Harvest is like the bus. And I get to drive the bus. It is really nice to already have the vehicle to be doing some change making in. I'm not trying to be a voice on my own. There's a little bit of cred behind me.
-Let’s get to 'Yes'. Then make sure it works for those people who said yes, respecting that we’re in this together and check in, look for feedback, follow through.
-The Climate Crisis in Thunder Bay is like the trash compactor in Star Wars. You don’t notice the walls are coming in until it’s like, "Shit! I’m feeling the Squeeze!"
-Who is going to feel Climate Change in Thunder Bay is not going to be the decision makers. People in lower socio-economic states feel it first.
-What would the Elder’s Table Say? What would they say about what our next step should be?