Songs composed and recorded for this podcast by Heather McLeod - plus one co-composed and co-performed with Shy-Anne Hovorka.
Just the songs. Raw, unpolished and recorded the day they were composed. All but one by Heather McLeod - that one co-composed and co-performed with Shy-Anne Hovorka for a yet-to-be published episode.
The playlist ( numbers indicate the season and the episode for which the song was written and recorded):
2.4 Oh the Places You’ll Go inspired by conversation with Paul Berger
2.3 You Can Count on Me from Count Me In - Capital Income
2.8 Caterpillar Fears inspired by conversation with Rob Stewart
2.1 Less Mowing, More Growing from Ground Level Lessons
2.2 Save the Mothers inspired by conversation with Phil McGuire
2.9 Do What You Can Do from solar power, heat pumps and wind
2.5 All bring our all from Non-Binary Thinking
2.6 the Paulo Friere Two-Step inspired by conversation with Fay Martin
2.7 Love Love Hind Mind from Bite Size Revolutions
3.1 The Stories we Tell from Imagining the Stories we Tell in the Kindness Economy
3.2 1, 2, 3 Plenty from Eating Well - three courses to plenty
3.3 Drawing Circles inspired by conversation with Cindy Crowe
3.4 The I Song inspired by conversation with Thora Cartlidge
3.5 Profit the Children reboot from Kindness. Economy. Good & Messy
3.6 Dig In (Judi Under her Apple Tree) inspired by conversation with Judi Vinni
3.7 Breath inspired by conversation with Curniss McGoldrick
3a.2 Your Feet Touch the Ground by Shy-Anne Horvack and Heather McLeod inspired by conversation with Shy-Anne to be released before the end of August 2023
Find lyrics, chords and context at each song’s episode page.